michelleallegra Hi Ya’ll! It’s been a while so let me share some personal things about me to all you newcomers following along on this journey:⠀
*My name is Michelle Leigh Radow and I was named after ny grandpa Morris. ⠀
* I have always had a love for the arts and started dancing when I was 5. I have few regrets in life, but one of them was when I stoped dancing. When I moved to Manhattan I swore to myself that I would start taking dance classes again and I still haven’t. Unfortunately, some new years resolutions have not been accomplished this year.⠀
*I work two to sometimes three jobs depending on the day, but when I am not here with you I am working as the Community and Social Media Coordinator at @lillap( i have been there about 2 months now) in which I left my job at Vida Shoes International.⠀
*I have two black cats we rescued, Barnaby and Jackie Chan (no I didn’t name them) that are literally my world 🌎. I never grew up with any animals so I am always so overwhelmed with joy to have them in my life.⠀
* I have been living in Manhattan for almost a year now and I honestly love it. The only thing I hate about the city is that I still cant find a nail salon that/ good quality and affordable (first world problems).⠀
Now for the juicy ones!!!⠀
* A lot of the time I put too much pressure on myself and don’t adapt to change well. I would love to sit here and paint a pretty picture of all of the amazing opportunities I took a chance on in my life, but unfortunately I can’t. I am still learning how to handle big changes. (Sorry that was a deep one😂)⠀
* I care way to much about people sometimes and loose sight of reality when I expect that other people will treat me the same way.⠀
* One of my biggest goals on here that I still have trouble figuring out how to incorporate into the platform, is to spread awareness about mental-wellness and mental illness and open up the conversation on the topic, I have no medical backing on the topix, just years and years of.....
#gettoknowme #aboutme #mentalhealthawareness #mentalillness